Insect Repellent Pro is a unique way for repelling those annoying insects such as flies, mosquitos, ants and all others. Using cutting edge technology and complex light and sound frequency algorithms it will literally send them running. Use this when you are sleeping, reading or any when doing anything that you woud prefer to be left alone from those little insects. Never again be bitten from any of them.
Also if you touch the screen loads of times this app will create some nice animated insects bouncing around mainly for fun but also can distract and scare the insects if they are close enough to see this.
There is an about and rate page to check out.
Select any of the frequencies on the top tab bar and the app will begin emitting at that range with sound and light variations. Obiously by pressing the off it will deactive it.
Have fun using it and please report any updates you would like to me.</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">驱蚊Pro是排斥那些烦人的昆虫,如苍蝇,蚊子,蚂蚁和所有其他人的独特方式。使用最先进的技术和复杂的光线和声音的频率算法,它会从字面上把他们运行。使用此当你睡觉,看书或任何时候做任何事情,你woud喜欢一个人呆着从这些小昆虫。永远不会再被任何人咬伤。
选择任意频率的顶部标签栏上的应用程序将开始发射在该范围与声光变化。 Obiously按关闭它会取消激活它。
有乐趣使用它,请报告任何更新,你想我。</div> <div class="show-more-end">